Wall Installation and Repair Services

Kelturn Drywall Ltd is able to perform thorough and professional drywall services for clients in need. We are able to repair your existing drywall in the event of an accident or install new walls for ongoing projects. For more information regarding our drywall services, please continue reading below.

Drywall Repair

In the event of an unfortunate water leak or an unlucky accident, Kelturn Drywall Ltd can get your drywall back to like-new condition. We ensure that your wall regains structural integrity through properly implementing patches and properly feathering, creating an almost perfect end result. To learn more about drywall repair and how we may be able to help you, call or contact us today.

Garage Development

Garage Development

Your garage is an important extension of your home and can be a lot more than just a place to keep your car. With Kelturn Drywall Ltd on the job, we can create a garage that keeps out the moisture and keeps in the heat.

Drywall Taping

Drywall Taping

Properly taping your drywall is an important step in the building process. Not properly taping drywall results in dust at the worksite, causing mess and discomfort throughout the household or place of business. We take special care to ensure all dust is kept to a minimum through taping off any means of dust traveling to another area of the structure, including heat vents.

Home Renovations

Home Renovation

We will work with your general contractor (or you directly) to plan a sound and cost-effective approach to any home renovation. With us on the job, we will ensure that any work performed seamlessly blends into your existing design, making sure all seams are invisible and any paint application is flawless. We’ll provide you the pleasing look and quality job you need. Call us today!

Get In Touch!

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* We value your privacy. We will use the information you have provided to provide you with a response. We will not sell or divulge your information to any other party. If you have questions about any of this, please direct them to: kelturndrywallltd@sasktel.net

Kelturn Drywall Ltd 306-581-6606
Click HERE to Request a Quote
306-359-0403 (Office) Youtube Instagram mysask